Tuesday 13 May 2014

Training Workshop on Value Addition and Agro-Processing for Niue

Not a week after the opening of the new value added food processing kitchen, a training workshop was held for food processing from the 14th April to 25th April and this was hosted by DAFF and facilitated by two FAO consultants.  A minimum of twenty people were invited for the training based on their current work, to learn new initiatives about processing different types of food with the available crops on the island. 

The facilitators both presented the theory side about the cooking processes, more importantly safety and hygiene while handling food. To the excitement of the participants, they couldn't wait to try out the new initiatives that was discussed during the seminar. Everyone gathered inside the kitchen and observed while the two specialists show how to use the utensils and equipments inside the kitchen. 

Having such facility to process available agricultural products on the island, it would be a good opportunity for Niue to export these local available products internationally.  It was also notified that training workshops like these will also be done in the near future to assist and enhance the knowledge of people in Niue to process different kinds of agricultural products. 

Overall everyone had great fun and excitement processing all sorts of food like; chips, dried fruits,flour, dips, ice cream, chutneys, syrups and many more. The participants of the training and the whole staff of DAFF would like to share their appreciation in thanks for the two FAO consultants for their continuous assistance and sharing their expertise with everyone during the two weeks training that was held. 

Thursday 10 April 2014

Opening of Niue's Value Adding Kitchen for Agricultural Products

The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) of Niue in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has funded the construction of a new kitchen for processing  agricultural produce for the island. The project's overview was to use the kitchen to process agricultural produce that are readily available in Niue and also to build a gateway to use the processed food for export. The target usage of the kitchen was to use readily available crops such as taro, cassava, sweet potatoes, paw paw, breadfruit, banana, and vanilla to make chips, sauces, chutneys, syrups, essence and other related processed food.

New Value Added and Agro-Processing Kitchen

It has been a year and a bit since the construction of the building began; and finally all the hard work and efforts that has been put into the project has finally finished and was officially opened on Wednesday 9th April 2014. Distinguished guests were invited to witness the opening of the new value added and agro-processing kitchen for Niue and were very pleased to see the layout of the kitchen and the different types of appliances and equipments funded by the project that were displaying inside for the public to see. The construction of the building was done with thanks to the following people; Mr Stan Tafatu (chief carpenter of the kitchen) Mr Charlie Fukulagi Tongahai (plumbing services) and Mr Thirdson AKeimo (Electrician) along with assistance from the staff of DAFF. 

Monday 7 April 2014


Colin Etuatas farewell banner
The year has just started and yet two colleagues have already said their farewell's to the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Niue; Mr Colin Etuata (1977 - 2014) and  Mr Tupu Eneliko (2004 to 2014).  The official retirement ceremony for the two colleagues was held at the Alofi Rugby Club House on 27 March 2014.
Mr Tupu working on Vanilla plantation
Mr Colin Etuata at the WFD 2013

The function was well blessed by the rain and also the food and beverages that was prepared by DAFF staff for everyone to enjoy. Mr Colin Etuata from Hakupu has contributed a total of 37 years to the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Niue. He started working as a Reg 68 worker on the 5th September 1977 as a assistant quarantine officer. And a few years before he retired he was appointed to take the role as a senior officer in the quarantine and plant protection division. According to DAFF's records; Mr Etuata has served under six directors for DAFF during his years of service.
Mr Tupu Eneliko on the other hand, moved to Niue with the family from Samoa in March 2004 until now. And has carried out his duties with the department working under NIOFA (Niue Island Organic Farming Association); one of the departments projects for Vanilla. 

The whole of DAFF would like to wish Mr Etuata and Mr Eneliko along with their families a happy retirement and all their expectations for the years yet to come.
Tupu Eneliko's farewell banner

Monday 24 February 2014

Smart-Tech and Agriculture

Workshop Training Advertisement
Youths nowadays are becoming more proficient in creating quick and entertaining movies based on issues of interests and their importance. A one week Training funded by PACMAS (Pacific Media Assistance Scheme) for Youth in Media Production "Movie making easy" was facilitated by Mr Shane Tohovaka from Kilocutz Production House; with the collaboration of using i phones, smartphones and tablets to take and produce videos. The idea of the training was to know how useful and handy technologies nowadays are for youths to use to take and produce documented videos.

The first day of the training was about learning the different aspects and techniques of using i-phones and tablets to take live videos. This includes learning the basics of positioning the devices when in use, the lighting effects of the device, audio adjustments and many other interesting functions that can be used while taking videos.The participants were then divided into three groups and was asked to plan out a story to work on throughout the week, as the planning process was very important before going out into the field and taking the video footage's. Each group went out and worked on their stories throughout the week and by the end of the training as everything was finished, Mr Tohovaka edited all the three groups documented videos and compiled them into one video. And just before the deadline of the workshop training; the final touches of the video was then screened onto a wide screen television for all the participants to watch.

How the training can be useful to agriculture; a discovery of new species of plants or pests may be discovered by a farmer out in the field. The farmer wouldn't have to contact the media or the agriculture department about the new discovery right away, instead he/she can use the available technologies (iPhones, Smartphones, Tablets..etc) they poses to take snap-shot videos regarding the matter before reporting to the department for assistance.  An important idea of the training as Mr.Tohovaka also explained, was regarding the handiness of these technologies in terms of mobility and easy-handling out in the field; as compared to using big and expensive cameras.

Participants editing their videos
The workshop training was a success as all the participants and their groups with their stories managed to wrap up everything in time and also these trainings will benefit the agriculture sector through the usage of the available and affordable technologies (iPhones, smartphones and tablets)  to take and produce documented videos for the department. 

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Tamakautoga Vegetable Garden Project

An elder from the village, blessing the produce before harvesting
This is one of the projects that is linked under the current Food Security and Sustainable Livelihoods Program (FSSLP) for Niue on farming Systems Development. It is fully funded by FAO under Telefood (TFD 10/NIU/004) as a contribution to food security and the increasing of food production for peoples health and nutrition. 
The original concept of the project was to develop a community garden that is 30m x 30m in size, but this was changed after a discussion between the DAFF staff with representatives from the village of Tamakautoga. It was then decided that the garden would split into two gardens with a 10m x 15m size and to be located at different areas of the village. 

The clearance of the land commenced in November 2012 and soon after the construction of the two gardens started; given time the garden was planted in late August 2013 with the DAFF staff assisting the community with the processes to be carried out. This was a good initiative as seen with the community having to work together to benefit their families in terms of supplying vegetables for home consumption and also it can be used in the near future as an avenue for families in the community to earn income through the selling of their produce. 

Monday 20 January 2014

Agriculture World Food Day 2013

Agricultural produce from farmers (Photo by Terry Mokoia)
On the 16th of October of every year; countries around the world including Niue commemorate World Food Day. This was a good time to reflect on how fortunate some countries are in terms of food and nutritional security compared to other countries around the world that are facing poverty. The theme of the day highlights as: "Sustainable Food Systems for Food Security and Nutrition", Healthy People depend on Healthy Food Systems', 'Ko e tau puhala moua mena kai mitaki kua falanaki ki ai e moui malolo tino tagata'.

The day started off with farmers from all around the island having to bring in their agriculture produce to weigh, and this was done by the staff of DAFF (Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries) and the growers association, it was noted successful as it was very wonderful to see farmers with abundant of  agricultural produce. After the weighing of the different agricultural produce, the day didn't end there as the commemoration of the World Food Day was celebrated together with the National Show Day of the island as part of the constitution celebrations and this was carried out by DAFF along with the staff from the Department of Community Affairs. The general public of Niue all gathered at the Niue High School grounds to celebrate both these significant events, people brought in their handicrafts to be displayed, some people put up food stalls and were selling food whereas others were enjoying themselves. One of the major highlight of the day was the visit by His Excellency Lieutenant General the RT Honourable Sir Jerry Mateparae, GNZM, QSO and Lady Janine Mateparae from New Zealand for Niue’s 39th Constitution Celebration. 

DAFF staff weighing crops (Photo by Terry Mokoia)
The official opening of the National Show Day 2013 was opened by remarks from the Department of Community Affairs, followed by the World Food Day speech presented by Hon. Pokotoa Sipeli (minister for agriculture, forestry and fisheries) and the opening speech by Hon. Joan Viliamu (minister for Community Affairs) followed by entertainments from the Niue Primary students, Niuean group from New Zealand and also the Kapa Haka group from New Zealand. The day was concluded with cutlural and tabloid sports events organised and coordinated by the staff of DAFF and Taoga Niue. The cultural sports was facilitated by the Taoga Niue team and it includes; Ta tika (tika throwing), weaving demonstration, tolo afi (fire making), basket weaving and coconut husking. And the tabloid sports events was facilitated by DAFF staff which had; slippery pole, three legged race, tug of war and the main one of the day was the coconut obstacle.  At the end of the day everyone had good fun and great laughter celebrating the Agriculture World Food Day and the National Show day of Niue 2013.