Monday 7 April 2014


Colin Etuatas farewell banner
The year has just started and yet two colleagues have already said their farewell's to the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Niue; Mr Colin Etuata (1977 - 2014) and  Mr Tupu Eneliko (2004 to 2014).  The official retirement ceremony for the two colleagues was held at the Alofi Rugby Club House on 27 March 2014.
Mr Tupu working on Vanilla plantation
Mr Colin Etuata at the WFD 2013

The function was well blessed by the rain and also the food and beverages that was prepared by DAFF staff for everyone to enjoy. Mr Colin Etuata from Hakupu has contributed a total of 37 years to the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Niue. He started working as a Reg 68 worker on the 5th September 1977 as a assistant quarantine officer. And a few years before he retired he was appointed to take the role as a senior officer in the quarantine and plant protection division. According to DAFF's records; Mr Etuata has served under six directors for DAFF during his years of service.
Mr Tupu Eneliko on the other hand, moved to Niue with the family from Samoa in March 2004 until now. And has carried out his duties with the department working under NIOFA (Niue Island Organic Farming Association); one of the departments projects for Vanilla. 

The whole of DAFF would like to wish Mr Etuata and Mr Eneliko along with their families a happy retirement and all their expectations for the years yet to come.
Tupu Eneliko's farewell banner

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